The Incentive Mechanisms for Administrative Staff at NanNing University

Liu Zenghui, Sarayut Khan, & Kanokkan Kanjanarat. (2023). The Incentive Mechanisms for Administrative Staff at NanNing University. International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS), 06(07), 265-272. Retrieved from

Abstract: The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current situation of incentive mechanisms at NanNing University, and 2) To suggest the guideline of incentive mechanisms for administrative staff at NanNing University in four aspects as follows: 1) compensation incentive, 2) growth incentive, 3) achievement incentive, and 4) environment incentive. The sample group of this research was 86 administrative staff at NanNing University and the interviewees were 5 administrative staff with experience and expertise in their fields. The research instruments were questionnaires and structured interviews. The data analysis statistic was a percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of this research found that the current situation of the incentive mechanisms at NanNing University was satisfactory at a high level. When considering the research results in various fields, it was found that the highest level was environmental motivation, followed by achievement incentive, and growth incentive was the lowest level. Guideline for the development of incentive mechanisms should be considered in line with the findings and personal status as follows: 1) set up a salary payment system and promote clear and transparent career advancement, 2) foster a culture of continuous learning and development by providing training opportunities, 3) encourage employees to participate in the decision-making process regarding incentive programs and policies, and 4) promote a good waking environment in teamwork and mutual respect among colleagues.

Keywords: incentive mechanisms, administrative staff, NanNing University