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Asst. Prof. Dr. (D.Eng.) Akaranun Asavarutpokin


ผลงานวิจัย / ผลงานวิชาการ

  1. Akaranun, Jinjutha and Don. (2020). Control Consumption and Surface Quality Optimization of Cutting Condition for S50C Material  in Turning Process using Means Utility Concept and Taguchi Method (p58-62). Bangkok : TNI Journal of Engineering and Technology. ปีที่ ๘ ฉบับที่ ๑ มกราคม – มิถุนายน ๒๕๖๓
  2. Akaranun, Seksan and kanakorn. (2017). A study of Problems in the Car Seat Bracket  Manufacturing Process By Using 3-D Model. Proceedings : THE 1ST NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION SUSTAINABLE LOCALITY, 1(1), 565-572.
  3. Akaranun &  kanakorn. (2021). Elevated Manufacturing Metal Stamping Machines to Enhance Productivity. Proceedings 5 ST International Confernce on Sustainable Development (ICSD), 11 A, 81-85.
  4. Akaranun. (2022). A Study on Creation of Close-Die Forging Molds of Industrial Components Manufacturers. Proceedings 5 ST International Confernce on Sustainable Development (ICSD), 11 A, 339-345.
  5. Akaranun & kanakorn. (2022). Using fuzzy logic in preventive maintenance scheduling for metal stamping machine with ERP systems. Proceedings 5 ST International Confernce on Sustainable Development (ICSD), 11 A, 346-353..
  6. Kanakon Sawangcharoen, Akaranun Asavarutpokin, Pong Horadal. (2021).Maintenance Efficiency Improvement of the Metal stamping machine.Proceedings: The 2nd International and National Conference on Multidisciplinary Innovation Development in the 21st Century, 2 (2), A69-79.
