Factors Affecting Acceptance for Online Classroom Learning of Qiandongnan Nationalities Polytechnic Students

Abstract: The “Internet Plus” education model has integrated online classroom learning as a standard element of study in vocational college curricula. It is essential to increase the motivation of vocational students to participate in online learning to ensure the efficacy of online teaching. Therefore, it is essential to comprehend the determinants that influence the acceptance of online classroom learning. This study focuses on students from Qiandongnan Nationalities Polytechnic. It incorporates four external variables based on the TAM theory model and constructs a research model to investigate the factors influencing online classroom learning and how these components are interconnected. A survey was conducted to collect data from 375 students. The study’s findings suggest that Performance Expectancy, Teacher Role, Information Quality, System Quality, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived Ease Of Use are positively associated with the behavioral intention to adopt online classroom learning. Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use significantly and positively affect the intention to accept online classroom learning. Teacher Role and System Quality significantly and positively influence both Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. Information Quality significantly and positively affects Perceived Usefulness but does not significantly and positively affect Perceived Ease of Use. Performance Expectancy does not significantly and positively impact either Perceived Usefulness or Perceived Ease of Use.
Keywords: Online classroom learning, Higher vocational students, Acceptance, TAM